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Edit with GPS Traces

In the Organic Maps section we have shown how to record a GPS trace. GPS traces can be recorded in many other ways as well. Classically GPS Receivers like from the brand Garmin were used, but these days apps for the smartphone or even GPS watches can do the same.

In the end the main goal is to save your GPS trace as a so-called GPX file. A GPX file has a universal format to interchange GPS trace or track information between geo-applications. On you can upload GPX files and subsequently use these to draw new roads, tracks, paths.

GPX files are also used to share hiking routes such as on AllTrails or WikiLoc. GPX-files can be opened in for example Organic Maps and used to follow a route. But here we use our own recorded GPS traces.

Video Tutorial

Just has made a video tutorial how to:

  • login on (be sure to make an OSM account first)
  • upload your GPS trace as a GPX file
  • edit the map using the GPS trace as a background drawing

The tutorial assumes you:

  • know the basics of the OSM Id Editor
  • have recorded a GPS trace with for example Organic Maps